Bizaran trend: Našminkane i na porođaju

Neke mame su pokazale da je tačno da “ako nije objavljeno na društvenoj mreži, nije se ni dogodilo”, a otišle su i korak dalje, pa kompletno našminkane podnose porođajne bolove.

Te mame nanose slojeve šminke da lijepe dočekaju svoje bebe, ali i da budu spremne za prvu zajedničku fotografiju koju onda stavljaju na Facebook ili Instagram. Da je tako potvrđuju i statistike koje kažu da se čak 68 posto porodilja u Velikoj Britaniji šminka, odmah nakon porođaja.

Neke se sređuju i prije nego što porođaj krene.

Isto istraživanje je pokazalo da mame koje imaju od 18. do 31. godinu prije nego što dođu u bolnicu idu na “bjuti” tretmane. Na depilacije, kvarcovanje, nadogradnju trepavice ili bar kod frizera.

Čini se da su za taj trend krive (ili zaslužne) influenserke sa Instagrama koje na svojim profilima postavljaju fotografije na kojima se sređuju za doček svojih prinova.

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So today, on my baby’s 2nd birthday, I’ve decided to share a couple of pictures from my labor that I have never shared before because of my big ass pregnancy nose lmao!!! For the internet trolls, read my previous post before judging, and also, just so you know, I have no makeup on my jaw line starting at the bottom of my contour line, I wiped it off right before delivery with my handy dandy @neutrogena wipes so I could hold her face to mine and kiss her with my BULLET PROOF, non-transfer lipstick by @doseofcolors PS- this was and will always be THE ABSOLUTE GREATEST MOMENT OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!! BECOMING A MOTHER. #anastasiabeverlyhills #vegas_nay #hudabeauty #cakefaceconfession #wakeupandmakeup #maquiagemx #liveglam #ghalichiglam #slave2beauty #makeupfanatic1 #videofashions #laurag_143 #dollhousedubai #universodamaquiagem_oficial #liveglam #makeupslaves #inssta_makeup #benefitcosmetics #melformakeup #morpheme #nyxcosmetics #yesnyx #elciecosmetics #toofaced #tarteist #tartecosmetics #doseofcolors #makeupslaves #morphebrushes

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Umjetnica, šminkerka Alaha Karimi je svoju prvu bebu 2016. na Instagramu najavila fotografijom na kojoj se za porođaj priprema nanoseći nekoliko slojeva pudera. A to joj je, kako kaže, olakšalo bolove na porodu.

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Wow, I can’t believe this was exactly 2 years ago. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life!!! I got a brief moment of relief when I got the epidural, but of course, it wore off after a couple of hours and I felt every second of every contraction and thought I was ready to give up! Did they offer me more meds to help with the pain? Of course, but those that know me, know that My body doesn’t do well with meds. Nor does it do well with any “unnatural” processes. I had to send my husband out to get my makeup bag so I could apply my makeup as a distraction from the pain I was in. I didn’t apply my makeup to be vain, or to make sure I “looked good” for pics, I mean sure, that was a great bonus lol I applied my makeup because, like I said, I was in excruciating pain and needed something, anything, that would require my full attention and take my mind off of the pain! Little did I know that in a few short hours, the pain would disappear instantaneously, and I would experience the most amazing moment of my life….#anastasiabeverlyhills #vegas_nay #hudabeauty #cakefaceconfession #mayamiamakeup #wakeupandmakeup #maquiagemx #lillyghalichi #liveglam #ghalichiglam #slave2beauty #makeupfanatic1 #videofashions #laurag_143 #dollhousedubai #universodamaquiagem_oficial #liveglam #makeupslaves #inssta_makeup #benefitcosmetics #melformakeup #morpheme #nyxcosmetics #yesnyx #elciecosmetics #toofaced #tarteist #tartecosmetics

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Ona nije jedina. Mama i šminkerka Tegan Woodford je na Instagramu objavila fotografiju bratove žene na kojoj je dotjeruje dok ima porođajne bolove.

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. 3 days ago I got a phone call from my sis in law at 2am saying she had her first contraction. So I jumped on the next plane out of Adelaide to be by her side ASAP! I arrived at 12pm and her contractions had fully slowed down and she was a bit stressed so I said let me do your makeup. Half way through doing her makeup she was so relaxed that her contractions sped up to every few mins and we then had to race to the hospital – She was 7cm dilated! I think I’m onto something here… Getting your makeup done whilst in labour relaxes you, speeds up the process and you look good ? Thank you @belinda.campbell.338 for inviting me to the labour, it was such an honour and was so beautiful watching my nephew come into this world ??? #labour #contractions #birth #pregnant #pregnantbelly #labourmakeup

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