Predivnom jezeru zbog Instagrama prijeti uništenje

Prije desetak dana turistička zajednica iz američkog Vajominga zamolila je turiste da prestanu da se taguju na Instagramu tokom obilaska jezera Delta.

Problem je nastao jer zbog brojnih objavljenih fotografija s tog predivnog jezera sve više i više posjetilaca dolazi i uništava do sad netaknutu prirodu.

“Kada su influenseri počeli da objavljuju fotografije sa jezera nastala je prava pomama za ovim mjestom”, objasnio je član odbora turističke zajednice Brajan Modena.

Prije nekoliko godina samo jedna ili dvije osobe na dan planinarile bi i šetale oko jezera dok ih danas dnevno prođe i do 145, piše “New York Times”.

Planinarske staze oko jezera su, zbog prolaska tolikog broja ljudi, počele propadati.

“Želimo da nas posjećuju ljudi koji zaista vole prirodu, a ne oni koji su došli da samo objave fotografiju”, poručio je Modena.


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In the end… everything is a practice. Things can become habitual, for example I brush my teeth every night and every morning, but I still have to make a conscious choice to do it. I think making choices that become habits like that are just easier the more you do them, but again, that’s constant practice. . It helps me to view life like that. “It’s a practice.” Choosing to fill my mind with kind thoughts about myself all day long, it’s work and it’s a practice. Choosing to exercise my body for its overall health and my daily wellbeing is a practice. Setting down my phone, sitting with my children, fully present in the conversation about the game they made up at recess with their friends; it’s a practice. Some are effortless, some take effort, but all are conscious choices we make. . . What do you practice? Or want to practice more, to make into effortless choices (habits?)? . . #thoughtsbywhitney #itsapractice

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